Lisa Cave and Genean Grantham run Evermint Music

Friends who have worked together in the Columbus music scene since 2011, individually they've worked in the independent music industry for most of their lives. 

Genean began touring out of Cleveland on stage as a vocalist and behind the merch table when she was 17.
Lisa began her career at Columbus booking agency Class Acts Entertainment when she was 16.
Genean specializes in artist development and brand collaborations. She oversees the booking agency, pairing the perfect entertainment with private, corporate and public events.
Lisa manages consulting, sync licensing and artist management. She advises independent artists on all aspects of their career and is a frequent guest speaker at music industry events.

Often in the audience, they not only work for the local music community, they are friends and fans of the local music community.
Representing established favorites and the best of the next generation,
Evermint Music supports artists at every stage of their career. 

Woman owned and operated
Evermint Music celebrates Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.